17 Apr Outward Bound School Sail Training Expedition to the Equator

On the 18th to 25th May 2019 .. 8Days 7Nights … FOCUS Adventure partnered with he Outward Bound School – Singapore for a Sail Training Expedition to the Equator and Back
The Journey covered a total of 300 nautical miles and fulfilled ALL Requirements for the Inshore Skipper Qualifications Awarded by ISSA International Sailing Schools Association www.issa-schools.org

The TEAM onboard the Sailing Ketch PPower … crossed the Equator from the Northern Hemisphere to Southern Hemisphere at precisely 1743 on 22nd May 2019 . this is first time the OBS crossed the Equator and there will be many more to come . All Instructors are now transformed from greenhorns / polliwogs to shelbacks .
Here are some of the Highlights of the Expedition
SAIL TRAINING unlike sail racing or sail cruising is a form of TeamBuilding, Leadership and Character Development program first created by the Outward Bound School in the darkest hours of WWII . the term Outward Bound is used when a ship leaves the safety of the harbour into the unknown risks and storms . https://sailtraininginternational.org/
We have perfected the art of Sail Training onboard our 5 Sailing Ketches. ( 50 pax ) ( Sail Training International requires fore and aft rigged sailboats to qualify ) Whether it is Leadership, TeamBuilding, VUCA, Change Management, Personality Profiling, Onboarding or Core Values Assimilation … we will customise the right activities onboard with the right dosage of Challenge and Perceived Risk .
For more info on your next Teambuilding program using Sail Training platforms … please contact us at info@FOCUSAdventure.com
Reported by
Andrew Chua
FOCUS Adventure Pte Ltd
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