[fc id='24' aling="center"][/fc]A course to help you prevent and solve diesel engine failure. The course will give awareness of the main systems of a marine diesel engine and the ability to prevent breakdown at sea & rectify defects not requiring workshop support. Mechanical failure is...

https://youtu.be/yqhw980uUbEJOHORSPEEDFEST 2022 was organised by the Johor Yacht and Recreation Club (JYRC) and fully supported by the FOCUS Adventure Group.Asian Yachting Academy (AYA), SeaOPS and CAMP CHALLENGE were amongst the more than 30 entities that participated in the 3 Days Fiesta!The SpeedFest showcase exciting activities...

感谢主办方邀请小编B哥和Jane 姐姐一起来见证柔佛首个游艇俱乐部开幕活动!恭喜这场游艇展览+摩托艇比赛+水上飞机+汽车漂移表演+价值RM10,000寻宝抽奖 · 于11月26-27日在富力公主湾盛大举办!开幕仪式在10am进行并由柔佛苏丹殿下莅临开幕。在11月26日(星期六) 10am-3pm 观赏汽车漂移的精彩表演呢!活动日期: 26 – 27 Nov 2022 (Sat – Sun)Time: 9am – 6pmVenue: 富力公主湾富力新天地 (歌剧院旁) Click here to read more ...