17 Apr OBS LSA Sailing Expedition from 14th Dec to 18th Dec 2019
The most Epic of Adventures was completed with FOCUS Adventure working in collaboration with Outward Bound Singapore (OBS) and SeaOPs where a total of 6 boats, 4 sailboats and 2 safety boats, completed a 5 Days and 4 Night journey to Batam, Bintan and back. 39 participants from OBS’ Leadership and Service Award (LSA) took part in this journey where they had to utilize their navigational skills, to reach various locations each day.

On Day 1, up the participants where picked up from Pulau Ubin and separated into 4 different sailboats; P power, Maybritt, Zig Zag Wanderer and Kelolo. Nautical terms, sailing terminologies, science of sailing and how to use the ropes where taught on each boat before setting off to Nongsa Point Marina, Batam. Along the way, each boat practiced various maneuvers to allow the participants to further familiarize themselves with sailing.

On Day 2, the sailboats departed to Fish head Island, a remote and private island near Pulau Ngalih, Bintan, where special permission is required to stay. The journey to Fish head Island required the sailboats to sail through the channel between Batam and Bintan. The participants were also required to navigate their way through treacherous waters where reefs and shallow sea beds were a plenty.

Day 3 saw the participants taking control of the sailboats and being Skippers themselves, to navigate towards Pulau Tunjuk. Strong winds, waves and currents made this stretch particularly harder. But all boats were able to reach the destination where participants were had a special treat install for them; anchoring off land and sleeping on board the ship
On Day 4, the participants made their way back to Nongsa Point Marina through light winds and rain and managed to capture a beautiful sight of a school of dolphins swimming beside the fleet. Nearing the end of this journey, the participants were shown to have demonstrated a high level of competency in sailing.

Finally, for Day 5, everyone made their way back home through a heavy thunderstorm. Upon reaching Pulau Ubin, the storm had subsided and presented everyone with a beautiful rainbow to signify the end of the journey.

This epic adventure was showed that every moment is challenge, and all obstacles can be overcome with teamwork!
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